The 3 Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Business is yet another condition that depends on the leasing agreement between the landlord and the tenant. A business does not have to be defined as unlawful to earn you legal evictions in Las Vegas. The definition of the kind of business that can be termed as lawful within a leased property solely depends on the lease agreement. Although the landlord does not have the right to choose for you the type of business that they expect you to run on their property, they have a mandate of ensuring that their property is not used to run an unlawful business.
The NRS 40.2514, the rule under which this eviction notice can be given, does not give a clear definition on what unlawful business really is. Although it does not give a clear guideline, you can look at this regulation from two points of view. You can take it to mean any business that is deemed illegal according to the state’s laws. The constitution gives a clear guideline on this stating that a person should not willingly allow the use of their property for unlawful businesses and/or actions.
Since turning a blind eye to the type of business being run on your property can make you an accomplice, many landlords will try as much as possible to avoid such situations to the extent of evicting such people who partake on such businesses.
For businesses that go against the states regulations, the landlord will not be at pain to explain such actions when it comes to the jury since it has been clearly stated in the law and they will be doing themselves and the state a favor. Take note that if a landlord knowingly decides not to take action against such tenants they may find themselves in trouble with the authorities.
A second scenario is whereby the tenant goes against the leasing agreement by doing businesses which the agreement does not agree to. In this scenario, the business which the tenant does might be lawful according to the constitution but the landlord has a right to decide what businesses cannot be conducted on their premises through the leasing agreement. Just like it is with the state or a countries regulations, a leasing agreement is the regulation that binds the landlord and the tenant and it should be upheld until expiry of the agreement or until such a time that both parties agree to change this regulations. The landlord therefore has a right to report and take action against such actions that contravene the leasing agreement.
Although there are no businesses that have been defined as unlawful to warrant the 3 day notice for unlawful business eviction in the constitution, from the explanations given above, you can easily distinguish between the lawful and unlawful businesses. Whether this business has been termed illegal in the constitution or it has been ruled out by the leasing agreement, the tenant should always be at their best to keep the landlord-tenant agreement clean to avoid frustrations that come by as a result of evictions.
For additional details on how Out The Door Evictions can help you evict your tenants please visit our Eviction Services Page.